Monday, May 21, 2018

This is me

As a woman, I wear lots of hats. I'm a wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, a neighbor, an advocate, a chef, a goes on an on. I know who I am. I am a happy and hard working woman. I try, I fail, I try again. This is the story of my life. And most of the time I am really okay with it. I know that I am never going to win wife or mother of the year or that I won't make us millions, but I have a job. I have a purpose. I am here to make life as good as I can for my family as well as for me.

My goal in this life is to work hard and make others feel loved. I tend to think about this more when someone else looks more put together or does more with their kids, or whatever it is. It's always been interesting to me how easy it is to compare, but so much harder to see the good within the flaws. Thank you for listening, hearing and caring. We are all wonderful and have a part to play.

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