Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Spiritual Experience

   This last weekend was our Stake Conference. I was so grateful to go and that the boys did well, because I was able to be touched by the spirit in a way I was definitely not expecting. We were a ways through the Sunday morning session of Stake Conference when a young man was asked to share his testimony. You could easily tell by the look on the young man's face that he was not expecting to share anything that day, however he went to the podium and shared the most beautiful and genuine testimony that I had heard in a long time.

   He spoke openly and honestly about how he had talked to friends of his that didn't understand why he was a member and why he believed. He said that they brought up a few of their concerns about the church and those questions really made him think. He also talked about knowing that the church was good. That they taught you to be a good person and that he truly thought that the church was good. He talked about knowing what was expected of him and what he was needing to do within the church. But, he wondered if it was just a "nice church" or what he really believed.

   He went on to talk about knowing just within the last couple of weeks that he had a testimony. That he really believed it. He was so sincere that I couldn't help but cry. When he finished that incredible testimony, he turned and gave an equally sincere embrace to the visiting authority who had called on him to bear his testimony. I was so touched. I think it's normal, (for me anyway) to think about the church I give so much time, energy and work toward. I was grateful to recognize, just as this wonderful young man had, that this isn't just a "nice church", this is God's work and I am lucky enough to be a part of it.

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