Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

I love Fathers Day! It is such a good excuse for me to remind Zac of what an amazing dad he is. I knew when I married him that he would be a good dad, because I saw him play with his nieces and nephews and how much he seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with them. But, he has just really shown me how much he loves our sons. When we found that Owen had autism, he was so involved and every time I went to an appointment or class or presentation, he wanted to know everything I learned and how we could apply it.

He loves getting on his hands and knees and playing with the boys and just playing anything they will play with him. He loves to help them learn new things and try new things and really show them all the world has to offer. He gets excited to take them to fun parks and anywhere there are toys and things that are fun for them to do.

He loves to chase and tease and just be goofy. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks, he is always himself and it's a good thing, because he is amazing! He has always been willing to take turns getting up with kids in the middle of the night, and giving me time to myself for a break. He got a 4-wheeler and the first thing he said was that he couldn't wait to take the boys and see if they like it as much as he does. What a great man! What a great husband! What a great dad! I love you Zac!!!! Happy Fathers Day (a day late)!

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