Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Late night vent...

I know I shouldn't blog when I'm tired or worn out, but lately that is every day and so why not?

I am the type of person that tries to see the good in people and situations and circumstances. However, some days I just need to be sad or angry. This is one of those days. We had an in home visit today and Owen was tired and grumpy and so I was trying to feed him food he liked (which is not my normal routine, because he is super picky about food and we are trying to get him to eat what we eat), well then he had an appointment where he didn't interact. Some days I can just shrug that off, and some days I just don't get it.

I mean he is surrounded by people that love him and a brother that is fascinated in him and wants to play and all he wants to do is turn magnets over. It is just so discouraging sometimes. It's like there is a wall between us and I can see him and I know he can see me, but we aren't allowed to play together. The day went on and he did let me toss him in the air, jump on the couch, and play with his blanket and pillow for about 20 minutes or so. Then he fell down and I wanted to console him and he wanted nothing to do with me. He has always been like this, and it still breaks my heart a little when he pushes me away.

I think one of the hardest parts about this whole experience is what I feel like he misses out on. A lot of the time, we try to plan things we think he would like to do but he has no interest. We want to plan a trip, but he really thrives with consistency. I feel like I need to be careful with the way I explain this, because he is such a happy kid and those moments when I get hugs or kisses out of nowhere last me a long time. I couldn't possibly love anyone more, I just wish I could hear him talk and understand when I tell him I love him. There is so much involved with autism that I don't understand and it feels so out of my control.

It was interesting, I was asking my bishop for some advice and he said something that really stuck with me, he said "These kind of situations can take you closer to the Savior or take you away from the Savior" and it really got me thinking that this is something I could never do on my own and although today was one of my harder days, it will get better. He is happy and deep down I know that he knows me and wants to be around me. I know that Heavenly Father is strengthening both Zac and I through all this and letting us know we are not alone.


  1. Oh Jenny, I am so sorry. I really don't have any great advice for you but I do know how lucky Owen is to have you as a mom. I also know that Heavenly Father loves you and Owen so much and is always there for you. I have learned lately that our prayers are not always answered right away, or even how we want, but the little things that happen every day mean so much. I love the advice from your bishop - something I could use to remind me daily when I am going through my hard times with Carson. Hang in there. {HUGS!}

  2. You are a great mom, and we miss our dinners and games with you guys. Some days I'm so glad our kids can feel our love and show us love instead of tell us. It's ok to be frustrated at things. Just keep going and you'll see your rewards!

  3. Totally understand you!! I think kids understand a lot more than we give them credit for, just because they can't express that they know what's going on doesn't mean they don't know. Occasionally I get little 'reminders' of that from Rigden one way or another. He does know what I'm saying and what I'm trying to teach him and that I love him. And I'm pretty sure your cutie little boy knows too! The communication thing is very frustrating! And the trying to plan activities is frustrating too! But I found that it doesn't hurt to keep trying new things once in a while-I never know what he will like. And if he hates it, well at least I know he does! Rigden likes routine as well, so I'm going to start using a picture schedule to try and help him with changes in our routine (and potty training). If you ever need some books recommended, I have a few that I've read that have been pretty helpful and I can tell you what they are. Sorry to go on and on! Hope you have some better days ahead :)
