My sons never stop moving. That includes when Will is in the carseat. :) This is a typical manuver that he has come up with. He makes us laugh! Love this little guy!!
Ok, so I will be the first to admit that movies sometimes save me!! I think it's nice to watch their reactions to music and fun little characters. These are a few of those moments.
Is it just me or is my husband amazing!!!?!! He is so good with our boys. We plays games, gives tickles, and gets excited to try new things with them. I am so grateful for such an amazing hubby that loves me and our kids so much!
So, I had such a blast playing baseball this summer. We played once a week and I loved it!!! We had such a fun team (and we weren't that bad either). We decided that we were fun and that we should all get together for a BBQ when the season was all done. Our good friends, Ben and Michelle, were sweet enough to put it on for us and we had a good time chatting and eating some good bbq. Loved it!