Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just a note...

I had one of my emotional breakdowns yesterday (that comes with pregnancy hormones) and my good husband sat right next to me, put his arm around me and reassured me that everything would be okay. All the stress I carried with me for a few hours just melted away. I felt so much better and just loved. I feel so blessed to have a good husband that loves to make me happy and genuinely wants to cheer me up even if I just have crazy random emotional explosions. Thank you love!!!


  1. I'm sorry you were having a bad day :( ICE CREAM!?! Let's do it. I believe we are wll overdue.

  2. Hang in there, Jenny, things will get better. What a wonderful blessing to have a great husband! :) I know I couldn't LIVE without Zeke. ((HUGS))

  3. I am so glad that my baby is here. I was such a crabby miserable pregnant lady. I think Jeff just steered clear of me the last couple of months. The second you have that baby in your arms it will all be worth it and just a memory of a hard time. You can do it!

  4. Hanf in there sweetie. You are such an awesome woman. Love you!

  5. Hey Jenny! I love looking at your blog! Hang in there! We ladies have so many emotions to deal with!! I hope your family has a Merry Christmas! And can't wait to see your new little guy. Take care!
